TIGERLINK: How to pair BFT remote and push button to BFT Deimos BT A400 and A600 motor Tigerlink Hardware 2:35 2 years ago 14 929 Далее Скачать
BFT tune in Q.BO touch keypad to Deimos/Ares BTA BFT AUTOMATION MELBOURNE 2:03 6 years ago 23 407 Далее Скачать
AUTOMATIC SLIDING GATE MOTOR INSTALLATION | BFT DEIMOS AC A800 | DUBAI : 052-9458166 MasterTech UAE 1:04 8 months ago 145 Далее Скачать
BFT Deimos Automatic Sliding Gate with TBox Wireless Keypad Demak Outdoor Timber and Hardware 1:07 9 years ago 1 033 Далее Скачать